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Leaf Peeping New Hampshire's Franconia Notch

Leaf peeping in the White Mountains was in full swing this weekend. Cars were lined up for a good half a mile at least from many trail heads and trails were heavily trafficked. I did two quick hikes: Mount Willard and Artists Bluff.

I have hiked Mount Willard twice before in the wintertime only, so hiking it in the fall was a different hiking experience. A) more people and B) I think it was easier to hike in the snow! It is still an easy hike either way, but I feel like the snow packed down on the trail reduced some of the incline. Artists Bluff has two ways to go up- with a stopover at Mount Bald, or straight to Artists Bluff. I went straight to Artist Bluff and while steep, it is probably only a 15 minute hike at most.

Both hikes have incredible views and look good in any season. But I may be biased towards winter with the snowfall and autumn with the colorful leaves. I plan on going back to Artists Bluff during the winter, which I think will be neat because you can see Cannon Mountain Ski Area from it.